2plaza - Capture the Flag READ THIS PART: I SAID READ IT YOU IDIOTS!!! Demo can Det the basement generator and knock- out the lighting in your base. To fix it have your engineer repair the machine... with his wrench. Otherwise spys will pwn j00. Objective: Enter 3rd floor enemy flagroom and take their flag after blowing away the glass wall. Take the flag back to your roof and cap the flag on the helicopter pad. Goodies: Resupplys on 1st and 4th floor w/ nades. Rooftop gives access to Ventilation shaft and Ele Shafts. Bouncy Awning thing makes you jump. Offense has a quick exit from one of the windows located near the spawns (2nd floor). And no you cant blowup the glass bridge, I'm sorry but I luv it 2 much. Map Author: [eXeL]Dough-NiX-SKS-x4 Contact: StarFoxMcCloud (AIM NAME) Special Thx: |RE|The_Bomb[NIX] & [eXeL]Thunder[NIX] 2002