=== DMC_2Fort for Deathmatch Classic (and TFC) by AlphaBlaster === CONTACT: @alphablaster on Discord WEBSITE: https://redchanit.xyz/ Description: This is a Deathmatch Classic conversion of Valve's 2Fort for TFC. Nothing too special. I changed the skybox and lighting, gutted the spawnrooms, sealed off the flag basements, added weapon spawners, some ambient sounds, etc. This was inspired by and is heavily based on the Open Fortress / TF2Classic dm_2fort and its weapon placements and layout changes. Team Fortress Classic supports DMC maps as 4-team TDM maps, with support for the DMC powerups due to also having Quake's powerups. Should be fun for some 4team mayhem. Map info: Time to make: About 3 hours (It's simply a modified version of 2Fort) Compile time: 17.79 seconds Editor used: J.A.C.K. Hammer Entity Statistics: 24 Deathmatch spawns, 1 Singleplayer spawn. 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Lightning Gun 1 Grenade Launcher 1 Super Nailgun 3 Nailguns 3 Super Shotguns 1 Quad Damage