Hey new map: Desertconc Designed and created by: Tyrant Time Estimated on work: Few hours For: Good concers and the hole fC crew The members i know will be listed and the members i dont know well sorry but ricky took over remember? I guess im back now also. Tyrant^fC SoMeOnE^fC Ricky^fC Gogeta^fC Spyder^fC Kno[x]^fC Xproterg^fC Bo><^fC Suicide?^fC Adam^fC <- yes thats the quad soldier god adam :D! i feel like im missing a few people? so sorry if i forgot hf in the desert :P If you want solly this map you gotta noclip to end and grab quad :D! THIS MAP WAS NOT INTENDED FOR ROCKETS BUT I FIGURED ID PUT IT IN TO STOP YOU BITCHES FROM BITCHING :D! Yep thats about it Tyrant