.: Gen_X_BETA2 :.

                 by Death Omen
This is my first map, so I hope you all don't find it too bad.
A few changes have been made since beta 1 such as bridge changed because 
that was too skinny and the flag room has changed too. There are a few 
other minor things changed as well.

-{Its your average CTF map. So all normal rules apply.
-{Go to the enemy flag room and pick the flag up off the raised block. 
-{Take it to your capture point outside your respawn room.
-{The flag will return from where it has dropped after one minute if 
  untouched by the enemy team.
-{You get 10 points for yourself and team if you manage to capture the flag.

                  * Thanks to: *
                  * Anarchist 
                  * LordPhez  
                  * Norfrost  
                  * Cascade   
                  * Clan [NSR]
                  * Most of Clan [FURY]
                  * #tfc.mapping
                  * Death Wish 
                  * Peeps in the UKTFCL forums 
Oh yeah, no TK-ing, BT-ing bastards allowed! (Thats 1337 peeps only)
                  Enjoy... :P