-==[ Temporary Allies ]==- Four squads of Navy Seals were abducted by aliens from another dimension. Your squad is forced to fight for their lives in a crude game of capture the flag, for the benefit of the aliens' cosmic gambling ring. The winners will be sent back to earth. The losers will be served as snacks to the galaxy's high stakes, hungry gamblers. Take the flag in the courtyard to a capture point in your enemy's basement. Blue and Green are opponents. Red and Yellow are opponents. Don't forget to cut the power to the 'laser'. Scoring: 10 points for bringing the flag to your team's capture point. Flag returns after 60 seconds. Flags are not allowed in respawn. Recycling yourself in your team's vat is a safe way of getting rid of a medic's infection. Credits: Sky texture - Andorian Equinox, From the Mind of the Mighty Pete ! http://www.geocities.com/petes-oasis/ Beta testing - Info_beta, led by FlintMan ! http://info.gamedesign.net/Beta/ Special thanks to all those that helped test this map. Author - B.I.M. FeralZ@netscape.net http://www.arnor.com/~feral