bahsnah - Territorial Control & CTF Created By: Trepid Mapping Objectives: - Take control of up to 3 Command Points with idols from your respawn - Hold these command points to recieve points every 30, 60, or 90 seconds - Capture enemy gold on any of the Command Points that are under your team's control Scoring Information: - 1 point for taking over Command Point near your base (CP1 or CP3) - 3 points for taking over Command Point between bases (CP2) - 5 points for taking over Command Point near enemy base (CP1 or CP3) - 1 point every 90 seconds for holding Command Point near your base (CP1 or CP3) - 3 points every 60 seconds for holding Command Point between bases (CP2) - 5 points every 30 seconds for holding Command Point near enemy base (CP1 or CP3) - 1 point for capturing enemy gold on Command Point near enemy base (CP1 or CP3) - 3 points for capturing enemy gold on Command Point in middle (CP2) - 5 points for capturing enemy gold on Command Point near your base (CP1 or CP3) Other Info: - All idols and gold return instantly - You cannot carry an idol and enemy gold simultaneously - Det-walls cannot be re-detted - Grenade pack gives detpack - developer 1, in the console, will allow you to read console messages easier