25/04/99 =============================================================== Battle Camp ---------------------- The *unoficial* sequel to Boot Camp =============================================================== Gentlemen.... Welcome to flavour country! ( no, I don't know what it means either:) ) ===================== DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ===================== - Since I started playing Deathmatch Half-Life, my preference for certain maps has shifted. While I still enjoy a lot of them, there are some which were once old favourites, but now hardly ever see my monitor screen. Throughout this though, one map has consistently provided entertainment, no matter how ofter it is played. I don't think I have to tell you, that map is Boot Camp. With this in mind, I decided to create a Boot Camp type level, with a few differences. Battle Camp is the result. The main differences between the two are as follows: * Battle Camp, while still large, is a smaller map than Boot Camp. Because Boot Camp is an oficial map, everyone has it, so there is a constant supply of people available to play it. This is not the case with user maps. Even the most popular ones only reach a relatively small portion of the online Half-Life community. This means the average number of players in a game running a user map is smaller. Battle Camp was therefore designed to accomodate this. * I always felt that the buildings in Boot Camp were a little too spacious. The style of play does not really change from outdoors to indoors. For example you can fire off a couple of AR grenades in your opponents general direction with little or no danger of hurting yourself. This is fine for outdoors play, but being able to do this indoors sometimes made it a bit too easy. Therefore the average room size in Battle Camp has been made smaller than in Boot Camp. You can still fire off grenades indoors of course, but now you will have to pay a little more attention to your surroundings if you don't want to end up killing yourself. - All weapons are included in this level, with the exception of the Hornet gun. The Egon is in a pretty easy to reach place, but as with Boot Camp, it does not dominate the level. =============================================================== ================ File Information ================ Title: Battle Camp BSP File: battle_camp.bsp Author: Mark Hewitt a.k.a [SnD]The_Cheese Email Address: the_cheese@dial.pipex.com Web Site: http://www.halflife.net/cheese Level Size: Large Previous Maps: Nightshift, Site B, Rapid 1 =============================================================== ================ PLAY INFORMATION ================ Single Player: No Deathmatch: Yes TeamPlay: Why not New Textures: No New Sounds: No =============================================================== ============ CONSTRUCTION ============ Base: Although it shares some similarities with Boot Camp, it is a new level designed from scratch Editor Used: Worldcraft 2.0 Machine Used: PII300 Build Time: Around 4 weeks Compile Time: 7 hours Known Bugs: None known This map has been tested in Software, Direct 3D, and OpenGL =============================================================== ====================== ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ====================== Thanks to Ben Morris for Worldcraft, and Valve for the obvious. Massive thanks go out to all the playtesters who participated in the online playtests. They are: Gustavo Teppic8 -OD-nocool [ATO]Necro [ATO]Groo [SnD]Nose_Hair [SnD]Tezza [SnD]Kickzass [SnD]Anal_hair [SnD]Fuzzuk You guys Kick Ass!!! Gigantic thanks go out to the staff at Games World for letting me use their server for the playtesting. For those who don't know, Games World is the games players equivalent of a free isp. You get all the usual free stuff, plus a -DIRECT CONNECTION TO THEIR GAME SERVERS!!!!- Direct connection=Low ping. If you are in the UK, I highly recommend you go check them out. Their web site, with all the details you need, is at: http://www.games-world.net If you play this map(and even enjoy it)I would certainly appreciate an email. But you're not going to send one are you? :) ========= LEGAL BIT ========= Copyright / Permissions Copyright (c) 1999 Mark Hewitt All rights reserved. This level (Battle Camp) may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file(Battle_camp.txt) must be included with the level. This level may not be included in any commercial compilations without the express permission of the author.