//DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE OR MAP WILL NOT FUNCTION CORRECTLY // //Mission descriptions and gameplay //Mission1: Defend marine at front of church for 60 seconds // Completion triggers breakin at side of church by zombies //Mission2: Frags according to player numbers // Completion triggers breakin at rear of church by zombies //Mission3: Defend the church for 2 minutes // Completion triggers access to tower //Mission4: Shoot the lights at the front of the church from the tower //Mission5: Kill fred, difficulty according to player numbers // Completion triggers another breakin at front-side of church //Mission6: Break through the newly opened floor and escape // //During this, parts of church floor will break for more zombies // //ent name | trigger on activate | trigger on completion //---------------------------------------- // defendmarine startmap_m churchbreak01_m frags - churchbreak02_m defendchurch - toweraccess_m killthelights - churchbreak03_m fred fightmusic churchbreak04_m digforfreedom digforfreedom_m -