======================================================================================= Map name: bc_highconc Author: Diagmato Map release date: 29th March 2004 ======================================================================================= comments: This map is a conc map especially for high jumps. The first few jumps are quite easy, to give new conc jumpers something to practice on, but as you get to the end, the jumps get quite hard. There were more things i wanted to add to the map, like a proper ending, but due to losing nearly all interest in tfc after playing unreal tournament 2004, i got fed up and just looped it back to the start. I may someday add to the map and release a revised version, but thats not really solid 100% guaranteed. ======================================================================================= Credits: Curtis Russel (Xproterg) for beta tests throughout the creation of this map Jungle, for various mapping help Concs-r-us for hosting the map you, for downloading the map Many other people for waiting patiently for three weeks for the map to be completed! ======================================================================================= the bc stands for BlackOps. It is just our game tag for all games we play in our guild. Our site is: www.blackops-guild.gamezcentre.co.uk ======================================================================================= You may host this map on your site only if you keep both the map and the info file in the zip. © James Edgeworth - 2004. All rights reserved.