== B E D L A M == WWW.DADCLAN.COM Map by [DAD]ShadowFox V. 1.0.01 OBJECTIVES: Take the enemy flag and bring it back to your teleporter. Then carry the flag into the enemy team's Xen capture point. SCORING: Ten (10) points per capture Other Notes: The Xen area is filled with thrust. If you jump off the land you will become airborne until you can navigate back to land. Scroll down this page to see general information on control while in the air (recommended read). To exit the Xen area, jump into the middle of the area where there is no upward thrust. *****CONTROLLING YOURSELF WHILE AIRBORNE IN XEN***** Steering and controlling yourself without both feet on the ground might take some practice, but its worth getting used to. Once you have jumped off the island and are airborne: 1. Completely let go of your forward key 2. face the direction you are traveling 3. hold the strafe key in the direction you want to turn 4. slowly move your mouse in that direction. If you have any questions, PM ShadowFox on www.dadclan.com/forums