Sorry about this, for some odd reason the map cause a searver to crash every now and then? tbh i blame the server, not my map :P I've recompiled with a few tweeks and such, hope it work! This map was created by Tranq{t} with help from ww (creator of other maps like concmap 2) Sorry for the crappy textures, but it works, and with other it don't so I thought it was better to have a map than not :) The jumps in the main map WILL be passable, I (Tranq{t}) haven't been able to do them all but have got very close, as I am not the best other people will be able to! The bitch jump at the end... Dus drew it, he wanted it hard, and he has got just that! I've tried it, and it's bloody hard, so good luck is all i can say to someone having a go at it :) This map is NOT for new people, it is VERY VERY HARD!!! You have been warned, good luck! Thanks Tranq and ww :D Many Thanks do DRoss[KuH] who did some tests on it, and helped me inprove it :) Vist Tranq{t}'s and ww's websites at: Tranq{t}'s : ww :