Castlemertz - Capture The Flag(s) By Josh Latimore "Black Hand" Objective: Enter the enemy Base and deactivate the lasers which guard access to their flags. Grab one or both flags and bring it(them) back to your Base. Place it (them)on the "throne" to Capture it(them). Scoring: -5 points for capturing a single flag (4 individual points) [NO health+armor] -12 points for capping both flags at once (9 individual points) [health+armor] Other Notes: Flag carriers drop the Flag when they die. Dropped flags return to their Base after 30 seconds. Lasers stay deactivated for only 15 seconds. Another entrance can be found to the enemy base by detpacking the wall on the middle of the battlements, this wall can be repaired by hitting the rubble with the engineers spanner. Use the catapult for a quick route to the enemy battlements. Only medics and scouts get secondary grenades. And don't go offensive HW :) Thanks for playing my map!