============================================ Author Details: ============================================ Author: D12Eminem989 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1465114 E-mail: d12eminem989@gmail.com Website: www.d12eminem989.com ============================================ Map Details: ============================================ Game: Team Fortress Classic 1.6 Name: conc_basics Type: Conc Released: Tuesday, June 11th 2013 ============================================ Object: ============================================ The object is to use your concs to get passed each course. ============================================ Notes: ============================================ This map was created to help teach you the basic concept of concing. Each course has various parts that get harder. This map was created specifically for ill4death. Hes a great guy and a TFC vet who has been around since the beginning of TFC. Listen to him and I guarantee you will become better at concing in due time. Shout's out to ill4death and the TFC Refugees family! There is 1 secret in this map. ============================================ Map Files: ============================================ maps/conc_basics.bsp maps/conc_basics.txt