Map Created by Fonzie -------------------------------------- *****************THE REVERSE TELEPORT ON RAGEQUIT IS INVISIBLE AND IM NOT GOING TO BOTHER FIXING IT, IT IS IN THE BACK LEFT CORNER OF THE PLATFORM SO JUST RUN OVER TO THERE TO BE PORTED******************** -------------------------------------- This is my first map of what I intend to be many. Come final compile time my noobish mistakes caught up with me and sadly some jumps had to be trashed : ( This map contains 6 (fairly large in size/length) Jumps **down from 9 :'(** Increasing in difficulty. That Aside I am pleased with the final product... I've combed over this map fairly extensively and it seems bug free. If you encounter any bugs please let me know (A few years ago I would include my email but if you are playing this map chances are you conc with me on occasion >.>) I would place this map at a difficulty rating of about 5/10. Jumps are pretty basic and all you need is the ability to A.) Juggle B.) Double Conc C.) Little bit of strafing will be handy :P **There is a hidden area containing Soccer Balls which are needed in order to advance to the final endroom. Find yourself a Soccer Ball and you are 1 step closer to the end!** -------------------------------------- Thanks to those who play tested my map throughout its stages - Lifeless, Rage and Haka. Also a special thanks to Haka (/haka) and Rage(RAGEquit) for their jump designs (Saved me the hastle of thinking shit up :O ) -------------------------------------- Well I hope you enjoy playing Conc_fonz by: Fonzie *Coming soon Conc_fonzspeed* ; )