conc_imhotep, 08/07/2010 Made to commemorate the fourth birthday of Euroskillz, may you live for another four yet to come! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- One of the Ancient Egyptians most revered in his time and after was not a king, but a man by the name of Imhotep. His name means the one who comes in peace, and it is a befitting name for someone held in such esteem even after his death. Imhotep was believed for a fairly long time to be nothing but a mythological figure, and is very similar in some ways to the Judeo-Christian's Joseph. During the nineteenth century AD, however, it was discovered that Imhotep was a real historical person, not just one of many Egyptian gods. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Teams: Blue vs. Red Sniper Arena Yellow Civilians can spectate the arena or take the portal to Jump One to be assisted through the jumps. Green Scouts/Soldiers/Demomen/Medics/Engineers explore their way through ten jumps of (vaguely!) increasing difficulty. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- conc_imhotep, 08/07/2010 Textures and Environment Map by SimonOC ( Map by wubwub. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Beta testers: Gnu! Monkey Orion Phye Taimanin Asagi