conc_rocky- By Mitch Dedicated to all my friends: BmXer, Trillian, Warcry, (even)Baybee, Leech, Ouch, Diamond, G-D Tweppy, Deathmaster, Smokey, Shyster, New_Devil, Insane_clown, Angry_Gerbil, Crosshair, roughneck, Pop'n'Jack, Extreme, Amanda_Panda, ., Sedgjawo, Renegade, Coyote, Rune13, Nordequell Larry, Son Goku, Creep, Lutha, Scorpion and Fiasst. Ofcourse anyone else ive missed :D Luv to EsC and also aH. * missing 1.5 :( * - aH.Mitch-]EsC[- Enjoy...... HL2 approaches :P