================================================ Conc_totobro by totoro^vi ================================================ Straight forward three jump map, nothing should be too hard. The map originated when Tyrant asked me to make a juggle... something I failed at rather badly. What you get instead is more of a spacious precision map as opposed to a precision juggle. Jump one is probably the hardest, I left in an end room teleport behind the team spawns for the sake of convenience. There is also a reverse team with the ramp push trigger removed if you're into that sort of thing, the jumps don't exactly lend themselves to it but they should all be possible. Par: 6c for each jump. Min: j1 - 5c j2 - 4c j3 - 5c At least I think so... Thanks to the testers and all-around cool people: Tyrant Madcow Nerve TKG Spaz Sasuke Nyro Cal Muchez TonyCip Music: The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines Interpol - Pace is the Trick Silversun Pickups - Broken Bottles If you dont like the music: deal with it nerd Compile Stats: vbsp: 2.97s vvis: 7.82s vrad: 4m 24s faces: 22257 patches: 108219 total time: 4m 35s ================================================ End thanks for playing ================================================