Welcome to Concmap_Bison_r :D What's new in the revised version? -Director's Cut (You'll find out what this is soon enough, hehe) -Jump 2 spawn problems eliminated (hopefully), so no more suiciding to free someone out :) -Made the the ground on some jumps more visually appealing (smaller scale) -No more super small teleports :D (some people didn't like that, dunno why) -Increased the view distance so that way the juggle jump no longer gets that HOM effect -More soccer balls (8 of them now) :) Though one guy can be greedy and take them all :\ -Teleport system at the end of map -Other little things that you probably won't notice at all :) -No demos from me this time ;) hehe ============================================ NOTE: If you only downloaded this map then you will not hear any music at all, this is only a .bsp update, so you'll have to download the original release to get the music. Get it @ www.wwgaming.com/nC ============================================ Hi, this is my first concmap made by me, Bison. This map was made to be not too easy and not too "impossible", but somewhere inbetween :) hehe whatever... anyway enjoy playing the map and another thing, there is a hidden stereo somewhere in the map that contains 2 more songs so have fun finding it :D Objective: -Beat all 8 jumps and reach the end, with concs obviously :P Notes: -Big thanks goes to PhRoStb][te for teaching me how to make a map :D and another thanks to Raxor for helping me figure out what I needed to get a stereo to work :) -Credits can be found at the end somewhere ;) -All jumps can be beaten of course, just some require more skill to beat Bison You can find me on the gamesnet server in these channels: #mastermedics, #nc, #phd, #ml, #rhc, #mGguild idle away ;)