================================ Concmap_cw2 Created BY: NitroEngie^cW.oK ================================ Beta Testers: PhantomLord Cool Bison Black][ce^cW Mecca^cW Snoopy^cW Wisk^cW Deimos^cW Phro$tbite^cW MadManX 4u|2on Blade PyroTek6 AKA Punk <3 All meh Beta Testers <3 ================================ Special Thanks to: RaXor, for helping me out with some BS that i couldn't figure out :/ <3 RaXoR ================================ This map was inspired By heart and desire to pwn Black][ces Maps, I dunno if i got close but i think this map pwns. This map Fo Sho owns my first map Concmap_cW. Like i said Special Thanks to Raxor, and all my Beta Testers. These guys are what made this map Possible, Well Inspiration at least, and the will to continue making this map. My next map will be Concmap_Nitro, enough cW maps, now its time to make something for myself ! This map will be a fun map there is no doubt about it. Now lets see here, there are 2 Secret Buttons. One opens a Portal to a room with Quad. And the other Opens a Portal to the Admin Box in the "Blade Room". I feel sorry for tha noobs that get into the Blade Room HAHAHAHA, prepare to Die. The hardest jump is Prolly the last jump, jump 9 Or Jump3 which is a 5 Tower Juggle ! Good LUCK ! Love NitroEngie^cW.oK NitroEngie@hotmail.com IRC GamesNet #nit-hl #cw #tfcmapping ================================