ConcMap_EzM - the Euroskillz Medium Server Conc Map Made by: [Ez|L]Renegade-zG- Custom Stuff: Simbian-Mc- Gumby Beta Testing: Thargoid Bear Emp teh ORiON CaladiumX MadMax natti phye Lt Llama xan MrWhite Gnu! n3c Sim VoiD Renegade Map Details: 20 jumps split into 4 sections with 5 jumps each, each section contains a certain style of jump. Section 1 - Warm up section Section 2 - Juggling & Strafing Section 3 - Timing & Control Section 4 - Precision 1 secret - Renegade's bag of 1337ness. as per usual the quad team doesn't get nades, if you don't know why then you don't deserve an explanation! Pro Team has infinite concs/rockets/pipes for those few crazy enough to try and link the jumps Special Thanks: Lt Llama - you'd think i'd get bored of saying that without you concing would be dead ... guess not :P Thargoid - ever more my breath of fresh air these days, good luck with your projects mate! Bear - the testing machine, absolutely raping the pro team. Good Job pal :) xan - for help with ma god damn waterfall! Sim - for help with all the little finishing touches that make or break a map ;) Happy ConCing, [ConC]Renegade-u|c-|Ap|-zG-