~CONCMAP_GIR~ ~A skills map consisting of 8 jumps. Use concussion grenades, rockets, or pipes to navigate your way to the end and shtuffz. Difficulty varies throughout the map obviously going from easier to more difficult, but this also depends on what you're good at ;) The last jump is split up into 3 different parts and you'll see the checkpoints accordingly. All jumps are possible yo! ~THANKS TO--> -Deetwelve for hooking me up with all of the Hammer shit to begin with/all the mapping help and hosting my maps! -Pizza Supreme, Ozz, Shadow and Phrostie for all the mapping help/textures/advice and criticism I needed to make decent shit! -Everyone on the TFC Refugees server who tested this map in beta! <3 ~~My very first encounter with Valve Hammer. I knew 2 things about it and that was 1) JACK and 2) SHIT. After A LOT of trial and error I eventually started to grasp what it is to make a decent skills map. Hours and hours of retexturing only to find that a wall overlapped a smidge....rawrrrrrr....but yea... :D It's done now and I love the way it turned out. I'm very proud of it and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. I look forward to serving the TFC community with future content and as always I'm open to suggestions, feedback, collaboration ideas, etc. Contact me at Metathesiophobia101@hotmail.com or in-game :D