=========================================== concmap_kod =========================================== This is my first released map so I hope you like it. There are 7 jumps in all. Not much of an ending but I ran out of room so fuck it. Have fun. =========================================== Credits: Web sites are near the bottom of this page. Textures: 1) I used some textures from a few mods and from Blazeer. Thanks to Natural Selection, Action Half Life and MasterSword. Thanks to Blazeer for textures from his Blaz_Sandwad. Sounds: 2) The sounds that were used are from CounterStrike, Monkey Strike and The Opera. Jump Idea 3) Concmap5 Jump 4 for the idea of Jump 3. =========================================== map made by Kodiak http://www.blaz.cscentral.com/textures.htm http://www.natural-selection.org/ http://ahl.telefragged.com/ http://mastersword.flagrun.net/ http://www.monkeystrike.com/ http://www.planethalflife.com/features/motw/opera.shtm not official site