concmap_rapid by RaPID_ARRoW Another concmap made for the conc jumping community. Its progressive difficulty so it starts off very easy then theres a few tricky jumps near the end. All you h00j headed 1337 H4x0R type concers probably wont like it and if you dont, up yours :P Theres also a DM arena to beat the crap out of each other when your bored. Thanks to... All the [SCOT] krew except the DoD players because there ghey. WRaiTH for his no hassal sooper dooper quick server setupage and testing of the map. Scorpion also for hosting a couple of times and testing the jumps. Tanis for testing. skmo for testing my older jumps. FredMcHaggis for hosting. [~DNS~]|M|ysti_cal|.mL-xC-[nC]-[KuH]-lC-]C3k[-[ConC] for testing and making my .txt file a few bytes bigger. The former [~UK-A~] krew who are just ownage. All the -xC- xtreme concers! All the mL guild. All the conkuh server chaps. This map may have a few bugs because I included a different kind of ending to any other map. It may piss you off if your a goon or you might find it a laff like it should be. If you find any bugs tell me at and ill fix it for the _r version. I also had to make the textures massive because I ran out of patches but it dont look to bad. Right nuff said. Umg Umg Bleh! Rah! "Definitly" Rah. meh spelling owns weeeeee!