ConcMap_RaX2 | /==/ (c) RaXoR 2010 /==/ No you're not dreaming. It's finally here. This one is dedicated to concers everywhere, new and old, for keeping concing alive and contributing toward the growth of its community. If you are reading this, I commend you for staying with TFC for so long. Because of you, the game is still alive and so is concing. Thank you. I hope you enjoy playing this as much as I enjoyed making it. Good luck and have fun! Aight, AFK another 8 years. --TESTERS: NyRoNiC^vi, Gogeta^vi, Ultima, TonyCip^vi, MadCow^vi, .d5|TyRaNt^vi --TESTERS (first version and earliest support for making a sequel): public_slots_free.mL, Penguin.mL, Puddle.mL, Kaze.mL, P|ayer+M|M+, Psychojo+M|M+, Ilendil[TG], Phrostb][te.zG Special thanks to all the BROS at Squishy's for making this possible. Without all the hounding and support from you all there's a good chance that this would still be on my old hard drive collecting dust. Thanks. Questions, comments or feedback? You can e-mail me at or try me on AIM at RaXoR246