======================================================= FLIPPED EDITION concmap_xbr_F ======================================================= Mapped By TyRanT Brought to you by TruCKErs and ZeKE Inspired by ZeKEs Pulled over HoRN blast, droids and vent -- 6 total truck stops -- - NO secrets - - 1 kicked member- - one fucking good map - ======================================================= Finished: June 20, 2012 Build Time: N/A ======================================================= models 163/400 10432/25600 (40.8%) planes 5713/32768 114260/655360 (17.4%) vertexes 18555/65535 222660/786420 (28.3%) nodes 9328/32767 223872/786408 (28.5%) texinfos 1434/32767 57360/1310680 ( 4.4%) faces 11174/65535 223480/1310700 (17.1%) clipnodes 15494/32767 123952/262136 (47.3%) leaves 6094/8192 170632/229376 (74.4%) marksurfaces 17720/65535 35440/131070 (27.0%) surfedges 51561/512000 206244/2048000 (10.1%) edges 29387/256000 117548/1024000 (11.5%) texdata [variable] 4287420/8388608 (51.1%) lightdata [variable] 1406877/6291456 (22.4%) visdata [variable] 29990/2097152 ( 1.4%) entdata [variable] 37719/524288 ( 7.2%) ======================================================= Special thanks MaD/MucheZ ======================================================= Shout out to various concing buddies. whatup Zeke now you have your own fucking map and a cool flipped edition WHaat?