======================================================= concmap_xmt ======================================================= Mapped By TyRanT Brought to you by MuscleTeCH Inspired by Myst^vi@RaGGa -- 6 total jumps -- - 1 kicked member- - one fucking good map - -Special Thanks Madcow For the majority of the ending- -custom textures by TyRaNT- ======================================================= Finished: November 07, 2010 Build Time: Few Days ======================================================= models 152/400 9728/25600 (38.0%) planes 7157/32768 143140/655360 (21.8%) vertexes 24561/65535 294732/786420 (37.5%) nodes 12872/32767 308928/786408 (39.3%) texinfos 1740/32767 69600/1310680 ( 5.3%) faces 18423/65535 368460/1310700 (28.1%) clipnodes 25170/32767 201360/262136 (76.8%) leaves 7917/8192 221676/229376 (96.6%) marksurfaces 22599/65535 45198/131070 (34.5%) surfedges 81945/512000 327780/2048000 (16.0%) edges 44021/256000 176084/1024000 (17.2%) texdata [variable] 3873804/6291456 (61.6%) lightdata [variable] 0/6291456 ( 0.0%) visdata [variable] 0/2097152 ( 0.0%) entdata [variable] 29202/524288 ( 5.6%) ======================================================= Special thanks MadcoW ======================================================= Shout out to various concing buddies. Hi Zeke, eMp and TonY Did you know about THiz?