======================================================= concmap_xnm ======================================================= Mapped By MadCow And TyRanT and ExIsT aNd TuPac ShaKuR Brought to you by BaRBiE BitChES Inspired by Myst^vi@RaGGa Requested by NickI MinaJ -- 6 total jumps -- - Super BASS - - 1 kicked phaggot - ======================================================= Finished: July 31, 2012 Build Time: Two Weeks Off and On ======================================================= Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness ------------ --------------- --------------- -------- models 134/400 8576/25600 (33.5%) planes 5187/32768 103740/655360 (15.8%) vertexes 17896/65535 214752/786420 (27.3%) nodes 9992/32767 239808/786408 (30.5%) texinfos 2128/32767 85120/1310680 ( 6.5%) faces 12534/65535 250680/1310700 (19.1%) clipnodes 19969/32767 159752/262136 (60.9%) leaves 5950/8192 166600/229376 (72.6%) marksurfaces 17831/65535 35662/131070 (27.2%) surfedges 55979/512000 223916/2048000 (10.9%) edges 30535/256000 122140/1024000 (11.9%) texdata [variable] 9113364/10238976 (89.0%) lightdata [variable] 773703/6291456 (12.3%) visdata [variable] 75696/2097152 ( 3.6%) entdata [variable] 39069/524288 ( 7.5%) 115 textures referenced === Total BSP file data space used: 11612578 bytes === 328.27 seconds elapsed [5m 28s] ======================================================= Special thanks Rick Ross and 50 cent ======================================================= Shout out to various concing buddies new and old, and by concing buddies I mean never ill4death, fucking phaggot