======================================================= concmap_xsor ======================================================= Mapped By MadCow and ExIsT aNd ill4death Brought to you by TEAM SOR Inspired by D12EmiNeM989 Sponsored by Four Loko -- 6 total jumps -- - 1 kicked faggot - - 4 Secret Goku is out balls - - 1 fuckin good map - ======================================================= Finished: April 22, 2014 Build Time: A LONG ASS FUCKING TIME ======================================================= Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness ------------ --------------- --------------- -------- models 143/400 9152/25600 (35.8%) planes 5673/32768 113460/655360 (17.3%) vertexes 19140/65535 229680/786420 (29.2%) nodes 9656/32767 231744/786408 (29.5%) texinfos 4238/32767 169520/1310680 (12.9%) faces 13707/65535 274140/1310700 (20.9%) clipnodes 21787/32767 174296/262136 (66.5%) leaves 6280/8192 175840/229376 (76.7%) marksurfaces 18960/65535 37920/131070 (28.9%) surfedges 62774/512000 251096/2048000 (12.3%) edges 34005/256000 136020/1024000 (13.3%) texdata [variable] 9703060/12582912 (77.1%) lightdata [variable] 978462/6291456 (15.6%) visdata [variable] 49759/2097152 ( 2.4%) entdata [variable] 29067/524288 ( 5.5%) 186 textures referenced === Total BSP file data space used: 12563216 bytes === 536.38 seconds elapsed [8m 56s] ======================================================= Testers: -Spaz -Tyrant -Carby pls ======================================================= Special thanks Ludacris and Dwayne ======================================================= - Shout out to 4 Loko for sponsoring this project. Ya'll niggas the realest. - Also Yo Gotti for giving me tha inspiration in my dreams. Love u nigga. - Finally shout outs to TFC Refugees for unbanning me. This map is for you <3<3<3 Go fuck yourselves