Capture the Flag / Murderball AUTHOR: Cassius Release Date: 12 July 2005 Overview: Red and Blue must try to capture the opponents flag by going on top of the yellow spawns and then capturing the flags on the ledge in the caves. Yellow and Green are to defend the flags. Yellow, Red, and Blue must also try to hold the murderball located between the two yellow spawns on the plateau. CTF Scoring: Red: 15 points for a flag capture. Blue: 15 points for a flag capture. Yellow and Green: 1 point for every 15 seconds a flag is not captured (per flag). Murderball Scoring Red: 1 point for every five seconds the red holds the ball. Blue: 1 point for every five seconds the blue holds the ball. Yellow and Green: 1 point for every five seconds yellow holds the ball. (Yellow will be slayed if they try to take the ball into their spawn.) Team Limits: Red and Blue: Unlimited Medics and Scouts. Yellow: 2 Engineers. (Limited to the platuea) Green: 1 Pyro or Medic or Soldier. (Limited to the ground floor and cave) Custom Wad used: axlcustom1.wad Visit to give your input. Thanks to Axl for your suggestions and you wad. Thanks to LtShaq for helping me get started mapping. Thanks to all the guys at for all their help and suggestions. ================== Beta 2 Changes: (Hat Tip: Axl) Fixed top of ladders to make them look solid on top. Fixed textured in the cave, were not y-scaled appropriately. Fixed ladders, were not rendered correctly.