Demolish by NeonLight Objectives: Capture the Flag ------------------ Disable the Enemy Security and Capture their flag! Defend your flag. Scoring ------------------ 10 team points per Capture. Flag returns after 45 seconds. Changelog ------------------ ------------------ 11/23/22 demolish_b6 ------------------ Adjusted Button jump pad Moved second bag in Flag Room to corner bewteen Switch and Main Ramp Changed Button to Flagroom Hallway (Increased Width and Height of hall) Fixed various lights not being illusionary ------------------ 11/23/22 demolish_b5 ------------------ Lowered ceiling in top Respawn Adjusted lower Main Ramp for easier Offense access Removed trim at top Main Ramp Adjusted right wall in Foyer Lowered Cap Point into floor, no more trim around Added Water Pit to Battlements Made all Water Pit trims walk through-able Added Laser Details at Flag Various Texture/Lighting Changes/Fixes ------------------ 11/18/22 demolish_b4 ------------------ Added Water Pits in Yard Main Ramps wider (288u -> 320u) Adjusted Button Jump Pad, less disappearing rockets Removed Health and Armor from the Flag Room corner bag Adjusted Hallway from Button to Flagroom (no more Z Connector) ------------------ 11/17/22 demolish_b3 ------------------ Added no build zone to Spawns and outside Spawn door Added lower ceiling/walls to Ramp side Foyer Recentered Battlements to Foyer Entryway ------------------ 11/x/22 demolish_b2 ------------------ Shortened Yard Elongated respawn water pits Medics start 2|3 Grenades Removed MIRV for HW, kept 1 on spawn for Demoman Removed Top Ramp bag Adjusted Battlements Battlements Spawn Exit flush with Battlements floor Fixed Button Light Added additional security timer