.::  Map Information  ::.

Half-Life Deathmatch
Recommended Players: 6-8

.::  Author Information  ::.

Author: Andrew C. Weldon
E-Mail: aweldon@planethalflife.com
URL:    http://planethalflife.com/awmaps/

.:: Previous Work ::.

Map Title		BSP Name		Game Type	Released
---------		--- ----		---- ----	--------
Planet Half-Life HQ	dm_phl.bsp		  HL DM		Jan. '01
CrateMaze		funny_cratemaze.bsp	  HL DM		Jun. '01
Zeta Sector		dm_zeta.bsp		  HL DM		Jun. '01
Zeta Sector		op4_zeta.bsp		 Op4 DM		Jun. '01
Phreneticism		dm_phreneticism.bsp	  HL DM		Jul. '01
Phreneticism		op4_phreneticism.bsp	 Op4 DM		Jul. '01
Sector A		dm_sectora.bsp		  HL DM		Jul. '01
Wormhole		op4ctf_wormhole.bsp	 Op4 CTF	Aug. '01
Repair Bay 4		dm_rep4.bsp		  HL DM		Nov. '01
Repair Bay 5		op4_rep5.bsp		 Op4 DM		Nov. '01
Valor			dm_valor.bsp		  HL DM		Dec. '01
Valor			op4_valor.bsp		 Op4 DM		Feb. '02
Gauntlet		op4ctf_gauntlet.bsp	 Op4 CTF	Mar. '02

.::  Map Description  ::.

In my search for the perfect textures for some of my upcoming projects, I
found Sock's excellent Tech texture set. Inspired, I downloaded them, converted
them all to .wad format, and started building. This is the result.

I wouldn't say this map quite meets my level of achievement in Valor or Repair
Bay 4, but it's by no means a bad map in my opinion. I lost inspiration somewhat
late in development, and started a new project, Defiance, based upon the same texture
set but a new architectural outlook. However, the playtest with 4 and 5 were fun (if
not a bit sparse), and the general reaction when I announced that I was not planning
on releasing this map was one of general disappointment; while the map is by no means
my best, it still is of releasible quality. For this reason it's in your hands now.

Consider it a teaser for Defiance. :)

.::  Thanks to:  ::.

	Valve Software
	Gearbox Software
	Sock (textures, converted from Q3 versions found at: http://planetquake.com/simland/)
	Crinity (Desert Dusk skymap)

From #valveerc:
	Cayle George
	Anyone I forgot who helped critique or playtest

From the Snark Pit:
.::  Technical Info  ::.

Editor: WorldCraft 3.3/Valve Hammer

Build Time: Approx. 1 month

Compile Time:
	CSG: 11.30s
	BSP: 11.18s
	VIS: 1m 6s
	RAD: 10m 14s

Compile Tools: Zoner's 2.5.3 with Merl's 1.5 custom build of CSG and BSP and WhoMe's custom build of HLRAD

Compile Machine: AMD Athlon XP 1900
		 1 GB PC2100 DDR Memory
.::  Instructions  ::.

Unzip the contents of the .zip file into your Half-Life directory. All files will be automatically placed from there.

.::  Other Stuff ::.

dm_faction (c) 2002 Andrew Weldon