Deadmeats Red Attack version 2 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Objective: Shutdown CTF Scoring: CTF (10 per cap) Notes: Flag carriers drop the flag when they die. Dropped flags return to flagroom in 45 sec. Laser as well 45 sec shutdown. V2 is just the copy of the blue base. I made the map red attack at start to be just a attack defend shutdown map, but had to copy the blue side to make a CTF. This is just a map I built for something to do. Ya another slapped together map. Some of the sky box is open for concing over. eg. on battlements Made by Deadmeat (Jim Delorme) in about 10 days (mapping/waypointing) Full compile time 8 mins on a HP 900 Mhz pc email: 4:14 AM 11/04/2005 Thanks to.. Cat Poop Jr. for the flag model 69th Vlatitude HalfLifeMapping TFMapped The Snark Pit TWHL WorldCraft And VERC