--------------------------------------------- -------- Domino Created by Cyraxx ----------- --------------------------------------------- Domino Rules : Your objective is to locate the enemy flag in thier base and steal it and capture the enemy flag by taking the enemy flag to your capture point, located at your bases front door. --------------------------------------------- ----------------- Features ------------------ --------------------------------------------- : Custom Textures in both bases : : 2 respawns in each base : : 28 respawns in each base : : Water Access : : Balcony Access : : Secret Room : --------------------------------------------- ------------- Special Thanks To ------------- --------------------------------------------- Everyone who hs helped me make this map possible to make. Special thanks also to my TFC clan {TS} and [TAR] for play testing the many versions of Domino. Special thanks to the other beta testers out there. Also a thanks to the people who play the map. --------------------------------------------- ---------------- Contact Me ----------------- --------------------------------------------- If you wish to contact me you can contact me through mIRC on Quakenet.org channel/s...... : #team.skope : : #TAR : : #clansolutions :