dub_campslayer-r -=Camp Slayer=- Sniper Map -=revised=- (hopefully the lighting issue is fixed now) A Sniper Map brought to you by Dub-Style Welcome a new Sniper Map to your list... Elevation is the key to this map... The Crows Nest is a good place to snipe or... get sniped from... Kill Thy Enemy... Medpacks out in the field to assist you in survival... Thanks to all those that helped with testing of this map... Finder, K=oss, Dragonsniper.id, Savage [o-t] members, =-]2-KraZy[-= members, and everyone else that helped, you know who you are... Also thanks to Finder for ULing the betas of this on the OGABS Server to give it a full run through... Please do not alter, change, adjust, modify, etc, etc, this map and text in anyway shape or form with out "Verbal" approval from I... Dub-Style. Contact Dub at Dub_Style714@yahoo.com for any Q&A or other map sugestion for future projects... Thanks again and Frag On!!!