Dustbowl 2 - COMMAND POINTS welcome to "DUSTBOWL 2 CP beta 1" NEW VERSION of normal dustbowl 2 with command points. dustbowl 2 _b5 updates: also applys to this version UPDATES: alot of bug fixes and glitches!! + draining the pit is no longer a detable grate, now its a push_button located at the TOP of the stairs just past corandor area of round, pit will automaticly refill after 2mins so make it quick!! + round 2 now has two detable walls blocking the entrances to the tunnels one the left and the one on the far right + round 3 in order to unlock the 2nd NADE bag the fenced area must be detpacked on the Defences sides by either teams demo. + round 1 added detable "door" at the entance of right tunnel * improved lighting and textures to help with better performance , new wads included