Dustbowl 2 - Invade and defend welcome to "DUSTBOWL 2" Objective: AMERICA (Blue) team must take their flag of freedom to the COMMUNIST CHINA (Red) team's Headquarters to win the game. There are two command points on the way which must be secured in order. Scoring: Team China - 5 points per minute Team America- 30 points per capture let freedom ring - 50 points for HQ Other Notes: When a capture point is secured, spawn points are revised and a new flag appears. Rounds last 25 minutes. BREAK- ABLES 1st round , - set off detpack on right tunnel to open up a new route 2nd round , - set off detpack at the end of the far right tunnel to open up new route. 3rd round , - fenced area - make your away around to the back side of the fence and set your detpack to open up a NEW route. - water ,set your detpack in the tunnel to lower water level.