Objective: None Teams: 2 Purpose of creation: A map to put all of my ideas together.(I have a lot :) Creator: DeathZone In clans: -={GN}=- -=[WTF]=- -)BAS(- (And -=XM=- ?) Additional notes: Please don't abuse the tourture chamber. If you do figure out the 4 digit code to enter my room, don't tell anyone :D Other maps made by me: -Cluasterphobia_b4 -SuburbTFC New maps to come: -WZ_hotel -DZtown2 -DZhouse Special thanks: Wild_thang for putting the betas on his server. Ena for putting the maps on her site: www34.brinkster.com/catspaw/muffins All my friends on Wilds Wild Server for thier encouragement.