Ah yes, yet another map created by Master Death 84. AWOL asked me to make an Engineer Battle Map, so here it is. Map Info: ->No Secret Rooms, just a standard arena. ->I thought I would allow grenades, to add a extra challenge, and prevents teams from completely blocking the enemy from leaving their base. I.E. EngiBatt. ->This is a CTF style map ofcourse. ->You can get 1 Grenage for every cap ->Flags return after 30 seconds. ->Caps bring in 20 pts for the team. Dont forget to build Despencer for your team/you to use, because there is only 2 locations to get supplies. That should cover it, to tired to think of anything else. -------------------------------------------------------------- !!!Changes Made In Version "r"!!! ->Added another location to pick-up ammo. ->Lowered Ceiling Above Bridge. ->Fixed Ammo Respawn Glitch ->Removed EMPs, and 1 Grenage. (EMP where way to overpowering) ->You now get 4 Grenages for Caping the flag + 15 second of Quad Damage. ->Your Team Now Gets Score For Caps. (35 pts) Contact Info: ICQ: 125553240 MSN: sxc45thm@hotmail.com E-MAIL: dferraro@swirve.com Hope You All Enjoy The Map. *(Recommended Players: 6-32)* ****> 32 = LOTS OF FUN <****