ESAD MULCH v1.3 ----------------- OBJECTIVES: Mulching is 1vs1 dueling. Because other maps any one can go into the rooms, it is hard to mulch with out others jumping in. So I designed this map to inforce 1 on 1. ROOM RULES: 1) OPEN ARENA [1vs1] 2) OPEN ARENA [1vs1] 3) OPEN ARENA [1vs1] 4) OBSTICAL DUEL [1vs1] 5) MUILTI LEVELED [1vs1] 6) DARK ROOM [1vs1] 7) SNIPER ONLY FREE FOR ALL (Room 7 is better than most "Sniper Only Maps" in my opinion.) 8) FREE FOR ALL (I put Room 8 in for ppl who dont know how to mulch, or dont want to mulch. Just on big kill frenzy.) ROOMS 4,5,6 DESIGN BY: [ESAD]Eat Sh!t and Die-[SR]- ROOMS 1,2,3,7,8 DESIGNED BY: -[SR]-Master Death 84[ESAD] MAPPED/COMPILED BY: -[SR]-Master Death 84[ESAD] OUR ADVERTISEMENT, Visit the ON/OFF Server 1 at: Visit the -[SR]- [ESAD] Training Server at: -[SR]- [ESAD] Web Site: Check the "-[SR]- [ESAD] Web Site" for updates on maps, and future release of other maps. Copyright © 11/24/2002 - 11/24/2009 +|> I do not care if you do anything to this map, you can even just add one thing, and call if your own. All I ask is that you include this file unmodified. +|>