exspace alpha - extermination Objective: Some old fat ass scientists have been sent up on a satellite for some 'simple' tests. They were sent to create a teleportation system for easy travel. Unfortunately, the Russian Gov. found out and sent 3 elite troops to wipe out the scientists. The good old U.S.A just happened to send 3 agents to protect them. The shit is about to hit the fan and blue has to escape, but there are no means of escape..or are there. The scientists have to take a risk of trying the teleporters, or they will surely die. The teleporters should be safe ....right? Scoring: 1 point is awarded for blue and red every time a scientist escapes. 1 point awarded to yellow for everytime a fat scientist dies. Other Notes: You can fall off of the platforms and die, so be wary. Full life is awarded to blue if a blue person escapes. This map was not created for serious hardcore play. Version Beta 2 Map made by redux