/ \ /__ __\ /-\ /\ /-\ /-\ | |__\/ | | ||\\ || //-\\ | | | __| | | || \\|| / ___ \ | | | | /-| |-\ || \ | / / \ \ | |__ \_/ \_____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \____| ___ _____ _____ ______ / \ / ___\ / ____\ |__ __| | /-\\ | /__ \ \___ || | | | | | __| \___ \ || _ | \_// | \____ ____/ / || / \ \___/ \_____/ \____/ \/ \_/ Simply put: A crystal of protective power is failing... The crystal is guarded by many tests... Your mission is... To find out what is wrong and fix it! Characters: Volcanica - Master of dragons flame Garet - Master of weapons Razor - Master of stealth Azapar - Master of healing Enjoy (Hint: Hit the targets to kill bosses) -Volcanica