============================================= fractured - Capture The Flag ============================================= Log 100-2Ar: I don't know this place, but it knows me. There's nowhere to look if I only see myself. ============================================= Map by shurbrrt AKA mac_II, 5/11/2024 https://twhl.info/user/view/7802 https://gamebanana.com/members/1721053 https://www.tumblr.com/shurbrrt discord: ontheborderline#1821 ============================================= Objective: Enter the enemy Base and make your way to where their Flag resides in the Flag Room. Grab it and bring it back to your Battlements. Place it on the raised square in your Battlements to capture it. Scoring: 10 points per Capture. Other Notes: Flag carriers drop the Flag when they die. Dropped flags return to their Base after 60 seconds. The grate covering the ramproom shoop takes 50 damage to destroy. ============================================= Changelog (beta02) 5/15/2024 @ 2:32 AM EST - Added a map logo for info_player_spawn - Fixed some spots around the map where the flag could get stuck, like in the room with the flowing water pipes (ty Nest). - Replaced the team-only bag in the fishtank with three non-team specific bags that give 20h/15a/35c and respawn after 15s. - Moved the bags in fishtank slightly back - Adjusted the bag in the loading dock to give 50h/75a/60c and respawn after 15s. - Removed some boxes in ramp room - Removed one of the boxes in the loading dock to make concing into flag room easier - Fixed a null texture in the batts respawn - Minor texture changes - Optimization - Unclogged the toilet (plz, eat more fiber). =============================================