high_gas_b3 Go to the enemy wardens office, steal their key and take it to their gas chamber to kill the enemy team! Detpack the enemy generator to deactivate their laser defences. If you security goes down, fix your generator by hitting it with the engineers wrench. This is the third beta of my map, and I am pretty sure that I have nailed all of the bugs. I would be very grateful if you did report to me any bugs that you may find. You can play any of my maps on the batty sevah: If you do want to report something, ICQ me 56481121 or come to #clan187 on quakenet. <|187|>Highlander ======================================= Please visit my mapping page: http://www.highlander.base-tf.net or http://freespace.morat.net/highlander ======================================= Changes since b1 : -Respawns should be all fixed, you can no longer spawn in the enemy base. -Blue gas should be fixed, so the red team should die when blue team scores. -The waste units SHOULD work - although i havent tested them yet. -All the laser grids should now work perfectly. -All info messages should work now. -The keys are now referred to in the info messages as keys, not flags. -It should be ok to blow up the yards with detpacks now. -You can no longer crawl through a small gap in the destroyable rocks in the yard. -Some minor cosmetic changes to the entrance to the yard. Chnges since b2 : -Protection areas should work perfectly now, as they do in rock2 (THANKS TO MrBee!!!!!!!) -Some textures changed / fixed -Capture messages fixed -Should be slightly easier to detpack underground rocks