hollywood.bsp by Dimmi64 Capture the Flag/CTF WELCOME BACK TO LOS ANGELES, 1996 (...or perhaps sometime in the early 21st century) 1. OBJECTIVE: BLUE team controls the Duke Burguer whilst RED Team controls the Cinema. Both teams have to attack/defend their opponents areas and capture the flags accordingly: BLUE team has to capture the red flag inside the projector room that can be found in the cinema. RED team has to capture the blue flag, on the streets, and very close to Duke Burguer. 2. SCORING: 10 points per Capture. 3. TIPS * Both teams can use the sewer system as a shortcut to invade the enemy's area; * Both teams have control of a third floor that has breakable windows to shoot the enemy from the opposite side (kinda like 2fort); * Hollywood is a dark map, so there are plenty of places for SPIES to use a disguise; * There are quite a few "secret" places that SNIPERS can use to hide and shoot, and ENGINNERS to place SGs; * There are not many grenades on the map, so use them wisely; * If you shoot a wall with a crack, it will be destroyed after some damage (you don't necessarily need to place a bomb as a DEMOMAN) 4. BACKGROUND ON THE MAP "Hollywood" is an extended version/port of the iconic Duke Nukem 3D's first level, known as "Hollywood Holocaust (E1M1)" to Team Fortress Classic. For a long time, I've been wishing to play this particular level on TFC, especially when you think how tricky it is to play the actual DN3D online in 2024. After doing a little research, I was only able to find half-baked versions of E1M1 for Half-Life/GoldSrc available. However, the user "m8nkey" made his port of the map for Counter-Strike, and I was initially thinking about just porting it to TFC without much work, but it proved to be unfeasible due to TFC's complex class-based gameplay for a map like this. In the end, I decided to entirely rework on the level design for the map from the scratch and adapt it in a way it would work as a more balanced map for TFC, and only used his map as a reference especially for proportions, and for a few objects placement, so I had to rework on a lot of textures for the game, and extract Additionally, I wanted the map to feel much more open-ended with hidden places, shortcuts, and multiple alternative paths. I ended up using his textures as placeholders to place mine, but used some of his ideas, and a few brushes as reference. I also ended up not just using the actual assets from the original Duke Nukem 3D, but also from Eurocom's Duke Nukem 64 port for the Nintendo 64, so this map has texture work and references from both games. 5. CREDITS Dimmi64 - Map conversion, reworked level design and concept for TFC, map scrippting, texture rework/extraction, testing. 6. SPECIAL THANKS. Allen Blum - Original level design. 3D Realms - Creator of Duke Nukem 3D. Eurocom - Creator of Duke Nukem 3D port for the N64, Duke Nukem 64. m8nkey - For a few brushes (toilet, lower cinema chairs, breakable window and shelves on projector room) and some textures that I used as placeholder Flash - Creator of the 3D models "buzzer_streetlight.mdl" and "dn_rubbercan.mdl". The 1999TFC server community - For keeping this old and nice game alive in in the 2020's, in particular thanks to the administrator Brit, and users Armpit Enthusiast, Nuggs and GIRZ0R for all the suggestions and support! March 12, 2024. Dimmi64.