// kz_wsp_valleyclimb.res - created with RESGen v2.0.2. // RESGen is made by Jeroen "ShadowLord" Bogers, // with serveral improvements and additions by Zero3Cool. // For more info go to http://resgen.hltools.com // .res entries (30): blazurban.wad cs_ramassis.wad cstrike.wad de_vegas.wad decals.wad dmc.wad donoteatmikezilla.wad gfx/env/greenbk.tga gfx/env/greendn.tga gfx/env/greenft.tga gfx/env/greenlf.tga gfx/env/greenrt.tga gfx/env/greenup.tga giantbean.wad halflife.wad itsitaly.wad joesmoe_cm.wad kreedz.wad kz_has.wad mattc3.wad megamikedeus2.wad pix.wad px_valleyclimb.wad ramassis.wad ramassis2.wad smoe_cm2.wad tfc_ramassis.wad torntextures.wad vlv_ramassis.wad xeno.wad