================================================================== PLAY INFORMATION ================================================================== Title : leap_l Author : Moon-Guardian Homepage : http://drowningminds.theharshrealm.com Contact : #theharshrealm on gamesurge.net Additional Credits To : Yam for his guidence, and all of the Knights of the Harsh Realm for their testing, and support. To Crimmy for actually giving this map a chance in league play (UGV 5v5) and suggesting improvements for smoother game play. To everyone in all the play tests, |Ts| for their support, and Muggo always wanting to play leap_l in our |K}{R| 2v2 tourney. ================================================================== DESCRIPTION ================================================================== Leap_l is a standard capture the flag map, with two bases. The goal is to take the enemies flag located in the unique flag room, back to your capture point located in your base. The cap point is the green 'portal' looking object on the floor of the lower area. Your team is awarded 10 points, as well as the player who captures the flag. The flag sits in a plateform out above deep water. The flag room consists of a very high ceiling, and fortress-like structures on the walls. Offense spawns on the battlements of the base, and defense in the lower respawn. A water entrance exists by swimming from the yard water, through a lengthy trip till you find a hole that shoots you up and out onto the fortress structure in the flag room. ================================================================== CONSTRUCTION ================================================================== Compiled information: Wads used:[zhlt.wad][t8dm6_textures.wad][e8.wad][halflife.wad] Create Patches : 68985 base patches 26926 direct lights (wtf?) visibility matrix : 17.5 megs elapsed Compile time: [40m 21s] Estimated time spent mapping: 9 months. On and off. ================================================================== ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ================================================================== There are no build zones near the water entrances, and respawns. Grenades do not go off in respawns, and yard defense was not an intent. The flag returns after 60seconds, don't throw it in the water, it'll only slow you down. Various extreme chop moves can be done to snag the flag, and rampslides/concs from the yard to reach the flag. This is the FIRST ever map I created for actual league play. This is considered my first, yet it was released after my second. I expect bugs, please let me know about them. ================================================================== COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS ================================================================== You know the rules, please do not edit, and distribute this file if it has been edited. Do not reverse engineer my map, etc. If you have suggestions/improvements for the map, please see me at #theharshrealm and we can discuss any changes or additions to the map. Please report BUGS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. __________________________________________________________________ Created by Moon-Guardian Distributed on Aug 29th 2007(c)