========================================================================== = N00B_CLIMB2 BY [FM]BooHooY[P3D] = ========================================================================== Weclome to my new Map n00b_climb2 as you know i made n00b_climb_r2 which was pretty lameass map and hard for n00bs :? Now i have made this which is harder i think. not to me it aint. anyway there are hidden secrets in this map found them if ya can :p Bugs and shit far as i kn0w there is none but if there are some i will make a r version. Thanks to [FM]Gebhel for letting me use his server for beta tests. good old days and thanks to THE DEVIL for uploading my map to his server for testing. :D main Tester = [FM]Gebhel [FM]Evo Vll [P3D]Stars Barry and the rest you know who u are :P http://www.p3d.devilnet.org.uk #[P3D] http://www.fm.its-all-g00d.co.uk [#FM] and me gray545@hotmail.com allso can be found on #[FM] as captain Reboot Cheers EJ r version fixed a few bugs hopefuly added new music. had to tune it down abit so might sound low