======================================================= ook_hoover by Ook ======================================================= Map Name: ook_hoover.bsp Filesize: 4.12 MB (4,320,488 bytes) Author: Ook aka Matthew L Reed Author email: OoksServer@yahoo.com emberts@earthlink.net MatthewReed@emberts.com Map Homepage: www.geocities.com/ooksserver/ook_hoover_sshots.html Author Homepage: www.geocities.com/ooksserver www.emberts.com home.earthlink.net/~emberts wad included in map: just a few custom textures ======================================================= LEVEL DESCRIPTION: Single Player: No Co-Op: What is co-op? Deathmatch: Yep Suggested Players: 12-32 New Textures: No New Sounds: No New Models: No Map description: This map was patterned after Hoover Dam. Look here for more info: www.geocities.com/ooksserver/ook_hoover_sshots.html This map is a death match map. Kill kill kill! This map is big. Maybe too big. By the time I realised how big it was, it was too late to turn back, so for better or worse, here it is. I might take the lower dam area, chop out everything else, and make a second smaller map based just on that area. If you get enough players in the map, it's a real hoot. ======================================================= CONSTRUCTION: base map: None prefabs: None editor used: Valve Hammer 3.4 utilities used: Zoner's Half-Life compile tools known bugs: None compile machine: Pentium 4 1.7GHz 384MB Ram compile time: 35 minutes ======================================================= INSTALLATION: Unzip files into your valve/maps directory. That is all there is to it. ======================================================= OTHER LEVELS BY OOK: None, this is my first map. ======================================================= SPECIAL THANKS: I can't start naming names, because I'd probably leave out a few. To my wife for not complaining about the hours and hours I spent in front of the cmoputer. To all those that took the time to look at this map and offer feedback. To Valve for creating Half-Life ======================================================= COPYRIGHT STUFF ook_hoover.bsp copyright August 10, 2002 Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels as long as you give me credit in your read.me for using this map as a base to build your level. You may distribute this map anywhere you want to, but please include this file. This map may be distributed ONLY over the Internet. You are NOT authorized to put this map on any CD or distribute it in any way without my written permission. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email me with any comments about this map or any of my other maps because I love feedback good or bad...and I will do my best to answer any and all emails regarding my maps.