Operation Overlord BETA VERSION 2 Cap point 2 - Attack & Defend -- op_overlord_2_beta2.bsp -- Objectives: -ALLIES- Move up the beach, dig through the 'X' with any weapons available and use a demoman to blow the seawall. Move the flag from the hole into the Axis base and onto the raised point in the basement to capture the base. -AXIS- Protect your base from the allied assault. Other Notes: Flag carriers drop the flag when they die. Dropped flag returns to the BEACH SEA-WALL HOLE after 60 seconds. Sometimes, it is possible to get 'stuck' in the boats if a player is adamant enough to stop it. At the moment the boats are set to kill anyone who tries this, which can lead to untimely deaths. The boats however will ALWAYS land at the beach nomatter what you do to them, they just might be a little late! By: Jobabob (c) 2003 http://www.jobsmaps.com/