*********************************** ***** ***** ***** OSTARGH! ***** ***** ***** *********************************** By John "drunken gun" Fuller. 100% rebrushed, retextured, and set to teamswitch by pip. You'll see many new additions and reimaginations of the original map throughout this version. Invade and defend - Teamswitch Objective: Blue team starts as the attacker. Red team starts as the defender. The attacking team starts in the cave and must gain control of the map by capturing the Command Points sequentially. The defending team simply tries to hold out as long as they can. Once the attackers succeed, teams swap, and play begins again. Scoring: Attacking team - 10 points per Command Point captured. Defending team - 1 point every 15 seconds Special thanks to Suicide_kid, Togra, and the Old School TFC community! Map info: Flag return: 45 seconds Flag return when dropped in water: 12 seconds 7 individual player frags per capture "In the drink!?" 1/17/24 piptfc@gmail.com